For this portfolio highlight, we wanted to discuss a fascinating and fun project transcreating the Star Wars Identities exhibition. The Star Wars Identities exhibit was a unique interactive experience produced by Lucasfilm and X3 Productions that allowed fans to explore the personality profiles of their favourite characters, and answer questions to form their own. The exhibit is described as being “Designed for visitors of all ages, [where you can] explore your own identity and learn about the forces that shape you through a series of interactive stations within the exhibition. Each answer you give will define a unique Star Wars character that you’ll create and meet at the end of the exhibition.” The movie also had impressive collections of over 200 original costumes and props for fans to see!

We worked hard to make this exhibit accessible to Star Wars fans around the globe. We translated all of the exhibition text and interactions from English into Chinese, Japanese, Dutch and Flemish. We also translated the catalogue from English into Dutch. This project was especially interesting as the exhibition had many moving parts and psychological descriptors that can vary depending on the language. There was an added challenge of connecting the text to what the various media was saying. To help with these challenges, we paid especially close attention to the syntax of the interactive parts and made sure they connected well for the final profile. There were a variety of combinations based on the viewer’s choice, so regardless of choice, the answers had to make sense when finished. We welcomed the opportunity to highlight our full range of skills and were incredibly pleased with our success in transcreation.
